Friday, July 10, 2020


Hi, assalammualaikum everyone! As for today, I'm gonna share something gooddd with you guys which is (insert drum roll) TARAAAA! My own website yay! I still can't believe that I could reached this level because I am not IT person. When it comes to IT, I can tell you guys that I can win the Weakest in IT Award! Really I tell you. So alhamdulillah, when you are using this to make your own website, it helps you a lot. Everything is provided. You just need to adjust a little bit and add on your additional information. Easy peasy. I'm so excited because I can use this website for my future such as business kind things. Yeah, I'm newbie here so why not just use this website for your own good as well. Hence, I'm as Information System in Food Service student, we are asked to create a website about our curriculum vitae. So here you are! Please take a look 😊

Nah, kita lanje sikit website page kita ni ðŸ¤­

Wokayyyy, so next is our client's website. This website I did it with my perfectional team members (Pui Yoong, Shu Min and Ming Li). Alhamdulillah, I got teammates that really really productive and helpful! Eventhough you are using to create your own website, it becomes a bit complicated when you are creating your client's website. It is not easy as you guys imagine because we need to create it based on our client expectation. BUT alhamdulillah, I got a super duper kind, good, sporting client that she is not chatty at all! She just follow whatever we want to and just add on some additional information about her cafe. I am pretty sure that you guys wanna take a look the website right? Here you go!

Taraaaa! Nice is it? (angkat bakul sendiri lol)

Btw, here is our client comments towards our website. I am so blessed. Alhamdulillah. If you guys have free time, you can stop by this cafe and try out their superb delicious cuisines! They sell variety of tasty and interesting menus. You guys can follow their Instagram Piccolo Cafe Equine to get more updates ok? Or go take a look their website now! Thank you guys, much love ❤️

So, I think that's all for today. See ya in next blog! 

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